

The Making of 6 Orsman Road

Dezeen 07 Sep 2020

Follow up reading

A spotlight on 1FA: Bringing office space to life

Our latest Spotlight piece focuses on 1 Finsbury Avenue (1FA) and one of the businesses behind the development.  1FA is situated in Finsbury Square Avenue, a stone's throw from Broadgate Circle in the heart of Broadgate Campus. It was originally constructed in the 1980s but was refurbished in 2019 – giving an industrial warehouse a modern and contemporary feel.  1FA is situated in Finsbury Square Avenue, a stone's throw from Broadgate Circle in the heart of Broadgate Campus. It was originally constructed in the 1980s but was refurbished in 2019 – giving an industrial warehouse a modern and contemporary feel. 

Storey launches new, flexible workspace at 100 Liverpool Street, Broadgate

Storey will be opening its 12th location at 100 Liverpool Street, Broadgate in Spring 2021.

Storey Club: Meeting room and event space

Storey customers have the advantage of being able to enjoy campus life at Broadgate, Paddington Central and Regent’s Place – with easy access to a mixture of great restaurants, bars and shops at their fingertips.