

Meet the winner of The 2018 Emerging Design Medal: Grace Wales Bonner

Storey 27 Nov 2018

Follow up reading

The power of a well-designed workplace to support productivity

The stereotypical office – from the flickering fluorescents to the uniform rows of plastic, coffee-stained desks – hardly inspires creativity. However, the inverse is also true: a thoughtfully designed workplace can empower employees to focus, innovate, and do their best work.

Why your workspace is key to employee retention

How do you create a working environment that simultaneously inspires would-be employees to join you – and motivates current employees to stick around? 

In search of the perfect blend

The boundaries between work and social life have blurred. Work-life balance is giving way to the related, but very different, phenomenon of work-life blend. What's driving this shift and what does the future of the perfect blend look like?