

Good Design = Happiness

Andrew Waugh, Waugh Thistleton Architects 02 Sep 2020

Follow up reading

The 2021 lowdown

The market has remained in a state of flux this year with optimism and enthusiasm for the return to the office set against the challenge of navigating a raft of restrictions and national lockdowns. We have welcomed many new customers to our Storey buildings, seeing occupancy increase to 85% reflecting renewed energy around business returning to the workplace. 

Storey Club: Meeting room and event space

Storey customers have the advantage of being able to enjoy campus life at Broadgate, Paddington Central and Regent’s Place – with easy access to a mixture of great restaurants, bars and shops at their fingertips.

Spotlight Series: How does the Storey design offer work?

Our new Spotlight series will focus on a different area within our business model – shining a light on topical themes, trends and opinions of key decision makers at Storey.